
  • 1670 Fort Washington Ave Ambler, PA, 19002, USA - Maple Glen
    Issues still continue with speeding cut-thru traffic, and large trucks using this road. This has been addressed to township officials and to UDPD ad nauseam for years and yet here we still are with no resolution. It is absolutely ridiculous that this issue still remains. No effort from the township has been made to put in place any traffic calming procedures and traffic enforcement continues to be lacking. My voice continues to not be heard on this issue yet I will continue to address this complaint and I encourage anyone else on this street who feels the same way to make your voice heard. I am hopeful that at some point this will be addressed but at this point I wont be surprised for this to be brushed off again.
  • 1654 Fort Washington Ave Ambler, PA, 19002, USA - Maple Glen

    Requesting increased enforcement for speeding and truck traffic

    While I am aware that UDPD has been along this route more recently, the times and length of time the officers are present does not appear to be improving issues with speeding occurring during rush hour and weekend times, nor the heavy truck traffic that is occurring during the daytime hours.

  • 1662 Fort Washington Ave Ambler, PA, 19002, USA - Maple Glen

    Requesting centerline removal

    The centerline markings are impacting speed and volume along this residential road. The lines present to drivers that the road is a continuation of the lower state route. In addition, with parking allowed on both sides of the street, a driver would be required to cross over the lines in order to traverse the path. With the ADT of this road is under the 6,000+ that would require a road to have them in place.

  • 1662 Fort Washington Ave Ambler, PA, 19002, USA - Maple Glen

    Requesting speed limit reduction to 25 MPH

    The current speed limit of 35 MPH is unsafe for pedestrians and cyclist along this route. Lack of sidewalks, multiple driveways and intersections, as well as curves in the road add to this argument. Being a non-state route and as well as its characteristics of being a residential district, PA Title 75 establishes a statutory speed limit for this type of road as 25 MPH.

  • 1882 Fort Washington Ave Ambler, PA, 19002, USA - Maple Glen

    Requesting "SHARE THE ROAD" signs

    The current design of the subdivision lacks sidewalks, requiring bicyclists and pedestrians to walk along the street. These signs would act to inform as well as to remind drivers to be cautious of these conditions.

  • 1606 Fort Washington Ave Ambler, PA, 19002, USA - Maple Glen

    Requesting "SHARE THE ROAD" signs

    The current design of the subdivision lacks sidewalks, requiring bicyclists and pedestrians to walk along the street. These signs would act to inform as well as to remind drivers to be cautious of these conditions.

  • 1700 Fort Washington Ave Ambler, PA, 19002, USA - Maple Glen

    Requesting “STOP” sign on Fort Washington Ave for Bell Lane intersection

    The intersection receives a fair amount of cross traffic from Bell Lane. A sign would assist in promoting safer traffic movements and traffic flow for this intersection.

  • 1700 Fort Washington Ave Ambler, PA, 19002, USA - Maple Glen

    Requesting "PEDESTRIAN CROSSING" signs and crosswalk markings to be installed at intersection

    These signs will act to inform as well as to remind drivers that there is pedestrian activity that can and does occur within the neighborhood.

  • 1601-1699 Terrace Dr Ambler, PA, 19002, USA - Maple Glen

    Requesting "PEDESTRIAN CROSSING" signs and crosswalk markings to be installed at intersection

    These signs will act to inform as well as to remind drivers that there is pedestrian activity that can and does occur within the neighborhood.

  • 1095 Welsh Rd Horsham, PA, 19044, USA - Maple Glen

    Requesting "NO TRUCKS" signs for Fort Washington Ave be added to Welsh Road

    The current signs located on the road itself are inadequate to informing drivers of such a restriction. The current signs are not clearly observable until the driver has already turned onto the road. Signs added to Welsh Road will assist in informing drivers before they enter the street.

  • 1882 Fort Washington Ave Ambler, PA, 19002, USA - Maple Glen

    Requesting "RESIDENTIAL AREA" sign installed at entrance of subdivision

    These signs will act to inform as well as to remind drivers that they are leaving the state route and entering a residential area.

  • 1606 Fort Washington Ave Ambler, PA, 19002, USA - Maple Glen

    Requesting "RESIDENTIAL AREA" sign installed at entrance of subdivision

    These signs will act to inform as well as to remind drivers that they are leaving the state route and entering a residential area.

  • 1654 Fort Washington Ave Ambler, PA, 19002, USA - Maple Glen
    Dump Trucks Not Observing 'No Trucks' Sign Posted on Entrances to Subdivision
  • 1666 Fort Washington Ave Ambler, PA, 19002, USA - Maple Glen
    The centerlines on the residential section of Fort Washington Ave (Limekiln to Welsh) are serving no purpose. Currently this street, one of the only street in the subdivision that has centerline markings, serve no purpose other than to promote this road as a continuation of the connected state route and to attract cut-thru traffic. The ADT for this section of the road falls well below the RECOMMENDED or REQUIRED ADTs. Secondly, with allowed on street parking, the lines only add to safety concerns when vehicles are parked and vehicles in travel cross the center markings. This and the current speed limit do not promote a residential environment for those that live along this road nor for those who walk and bike along this road. The township needs to address this issue and turn this road back into what it is, a RESIDENTIAL street.
  • 1654 Fort Washington Ave Ambler, PA, 19002, USA - Maple Glen
    Speeding, cut-thru, and aggressive driving still remains and issue along this road. Would like the township to address this issue. This has continued to go on without resolve.
  • 1654 Fort Washington Ave Ambler, PA, 19002, USA - Maple Glen
    Since the issue,https://seeclickfix.com/issues/5228248-speeding-aggressive-driving-and-large-construction-vehicles, was determined closed but no improvement have been observed since the initial request on 12/21/2018 I am reopening as a new issue.
  • 1640 Fort Washington Ave Ambler, PA, 19002, USA - Maple Glen
    Drainage issues resulting in water running across the road creating a safety concern with freezing temps.
  • 801 Loch Alsh Ave Fort Washington, PA, 19034, USA - Upper Dublin
    I have a question regarding the ticket process for see-click-fix. I have seen tickets generally go from Open to Closed with little more than a short response stating that the ticket has been reassigned or sometimes just stating "The issue is now closed" with little documentation as to what resolution has been taken. This leaves very little in terms of showing progress of an issue or identifying if an issue was truly resolved. Mind you this has not occurred in all cases, some tickets have followed the more expected path of being Acknowledged by the department and then later Closed with comments noting the resolution. Is there a standard procedure among departments as to how ticket flow should be handled? If not, is it possible to examine and define the flow for all departments to ensure a consistent experience for individuals opening tickets? Thank you.
  • 1654 Fort Washington Ave Ambler, PA, 19002, USA - Maple Glen
    Requesting digital speed sign to be placed at this locations for south bound traffic
  • 1650-1654 Fort Washington Avenue Maple Glen, Pennsylvania - Maple Glen
    I wanted to make a note that the Ralumac resurfacing that was performed last year on this section of Fort Washington Ave does not appear to be holding up. Several sections of the road are already showing cracks and there is still substantial debris that has been collecting along the side of the road. The debris as well as the lack of milling along the curbside has made curb aprons ineffective and result in sediment as well as rain runoff to collect at driveway entrances. I don't for-see this installation holding up to the quoted 6 to 9 years and feel that the township and its residences did not receive a quality product or installation for what has been paid. I would suggest that the other roads that received this treatment during that time frame be reviewed for condition and see what action can be done to repair the failing surfaces. In the mean time is it possible to have the streets swept to remove the existing collection of sediment?